Between Yesterday and Today

short film

There are moments in life that slip through our fingers like sand. We hold on to them as best we can, but time cannot be stopped.

Worldwide, about one in three people over the age of 85 suffer from dementia, and about one in 100 has Parkinson’s disease. For many elderly people suffering from dementia or Parkinson’s, time passes in a very special way – sometimes much faster than we’d like to admit.

These numbers are more than just statistics – they are stories of grandparents, parents, and loved ones. Stories of memory, loss, but also of love and moments that are worth preserving.

Through the story of my grandfather, we learned to cherish this time – every small gesture, every loving word, every moment of laughter. For it was these fleeting moments that showed us that life, despite all its challenges, remains valuable.

memories in move


Director: Noel Schmid
DP: Moritz Sieber // PeakFrames
AD: Lukas Schmidt
Edit & Color: Noel Schmid
Sound Design & Mastering: Bardo Eicher

Rita Angelone
René Wiederkehr